Information Services
|Nanaimo city street map | City-Municipal Services | Accountants & Architects | Better Business Bureaus | Business Classified Ads | Tourism Bureau | Chambers of Commerce | Malaspina College | Health Services | Lawyers & Notaries | NewsPapers | Restaurants-Dining | Pubs & Clubs | Transportation | Weather |
City of Nanaimo - an introduction:
Centrally located on the east coast of Vancouver Island, 111 km north of Victoria, [the city] of Nanaimo is the regional service centre for mid and north Vancouver Island. (quote from official city website on 07/26/02)"
[NB: The city has changed their web domain name from to 2005.01.27 update]
City of Nanaimo · Municipal Government Services · City Hall
Nanaimo City - municipal hall
See also at this site information on: property taxes | parking fines | garbage | fire department | community websites | etc.
Best On-line City Street Map of Nanaimo
"The best on-line Nanaimo city street map", can be seen at our 7.7 meg Acrobat PDF file produced by acclaimed mapmaker Angus Weller, Weller Cartographic Services Ltd., based in Nanaimo. This map has been cited in 2003 Peach Pit Press publication on the use Acrobat PDF format for web and print graphic designers and demonstrated at recent Seybold Conference in the USA.
Remember this is a big download 7.7 megabytes, but well worth the effort. For information about how your business or organization could be put on this or your own custom made map(s) contact Angus and his associates at
Regional District of Nanaimo
- About the Regional District of Nanaimo (RDN)
"The Regional District of Nanaimo (RDN) is one of the fastest growing regions in British Columbia, Canada with a population of more than 131,000 people and some of Vancouver Island's most livable communities. Located on Vancouver Island, Its boundaries stretch from Cassidy, just south of the Nanaimo airport, to Deep Bay in the north, and inland to Mount Arrowsmith. It also includes Gabriola and adjacent islands."
"... Created in 1967, the RDN is a partnership of the four municipalities of Nanaimo, Parksville, Qualicum Beach, Lantzville and eight unincorporated electoral areas. It is governed by a Board of 17 Directors. The Board meets monthly to govern RDN affairs and to establish local bylaws and public policy. " go to for more information, the above was quoted 04.06.15 fr.
- Regional District Bylaw Database Online
Better Business Bureau of Vancouver Island B.C.
Nanaimo is served by the B.B.B. office in Victoria
Website: local-bbb/bbb-serving-vancouver-island
Phone: (250)386-6348
#220, 1175 Cook St.
Victoria BC
V8V 4A1
Our Mission: To promote and foster the highest ethical relationship between businesses and the public through voluntary self-regulation, consumer and business education and service excellence. (quote from web site 07/26/02-updated with permission 091304)
The Greater Nanaimo Chamber of Commerce
... brings together all the elements of the business community into a single, influential, and respected voice.
For 113 years, the Greater Nanaimo Chamber of Commerce has continued to provide direction and support for its ever-growing industrial, corporate, and residential population." [quote from website 2002/07/26]
See also Nanaimo Downtown Street Map
Nanaimo Legal Services · Law Firms · Lawyers & Notaries Public Serving Vancouver Island

click to Nanaimo's Directory of Lawyers & law firms

SABRINA YEUDALL, family lawyer & mediator
Victoria, BC Legal Services · Law Firms · Lawyers Serving Vancouver Island
Serving your needs from Victoria BC downtown offices of
#1 - 505 Fisgard Street,
Victoria B.C. V8W 1R3
Toll Free: 1-866-887-4878
Tourism City of Nanaimo
See also these Tourism Resources
Transportation Services
- BC Ferry Schedules - Nanaimo to Vancouver and Sunshine Coast etc. Passenger and car ferry service
phone toll free in BC 1-888-233-3779 for schedule information
- Floatplane Services Nanaimo to Vancouver to Victoria
Harbor to harbor daily floatplane services
- Helicopter · Helijet Services Nanaimo to Vancouver to: Victoria & Seattle
- Nanaimo Aiport - YCD "The Nanaimo Airport @ Cassidy, located approximately 18 km south of downtown Nanaimo, is the primary air transportation gateway for the central Vancouver Island area." [quote site 040717]
What is the new Conference Centre?
Located on the downtown block bordered by Commercial Street, Terminal Avenue and Gordon Street, the Nanaimo Convention Centre includes:
- Conference Center
- larger, more accessible museum
- auditorium for community events
- parkade with new public parking spaces
- new retail and commercial space

Keep up to date with the Nanaimo Daily News Paper
Weather Services & Updates
Environment Canada
fee based phone service with forecaster "Weather one-on-one"
phone 1-900-565-5555
Vancouver Island Health Authority
This includes the former Central Vancouver Island Health Region, as of December 2001
Nanaimo Regional General Hospital
Patient information for Nanaimo Regional General Hospital
Address - Location
1200 Dufferin Crescent
Nanaimo, B.C. V9S 2B7
Telephone and FAX
from Nanaimo: (250) 754-2141
from Parksville/Qualicum: dial (toll free) (250) 248-2332
Consult local telephone directory for individual departmental listings
University - Community College Resources In Nanaimo
Vancouver Island University
Sprott Shaw Community College
Annual Community Events

- Nanaimo World Championship Bathtub Race
- Vancouver Island Exhibition - Annual Event at Beban Park
- see Official Web Site
- The volunteers at are proud to promote this annual event!
- Canada Day Annual Celebrations
- Dragon Boat Annual Festival & Races
| City Street Map of Nanaimo | City-Municipal Services | Better Business Bureaus | Tourism Bureau of Nanaimo | Nanaimo Chamber of Commerce | Health Services in Nanaimo | Nanaimo NewsPapers | Transportation | Weather | Bathtub Races | Contact Us | | |
large Acrobat PDF file showing downtown Nanaimo and surrounding neighborhoods

777 Poplar St. Nanaimo B.C.
Canada V9S 2H7
Telephone: 250-753-3707
BC Newspapers on-line
Nanaimo's Community Spirit
an indicator of the quality of life of any city or town is the time people are willing to volunteer their services to help others - see
- Canada Immigration & Work Visa Services
see for your immigration and Intra Company Transfer / NAFTA visa needs
We have helped people from over 60 countries come to Canada over the past 25 years as an immigration-business law firm in Vancouver.
- Obtaining Work Permits / Foreign Skilled Workers
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Malaspina University-College
location map - note proximity to downtown Nanaimo
Sprott Shaw Community College - Nanaimo Campus
Serving British Columbians since 1903 - the Nanaimo campus of this well known private college.
Temporary Employment Agencies in Nanaimo
Commercial Ads
Legal Services in Nanaimo
Eating out & Drinking in Nanaimo
Surfing LongBoard SurfBoard Equipment
Just north of Nanaimo located in Qualicum Beach
Commercial Ads
Nanaimo Lawyers | Burnaby Lawyers